I left my camera in the car so the only picture I got was in the parking lot as we were leaving. Sorry, Caden and Carson had left by then! |
I am glad so many of you were able to go to Salt Lake to listen to the Lionheart presentation. We missed those of you who couldn't come :-( But I will summarize my notes below - though they include some of my thoughts (anyone can feel free to add to my summary in the comments - I'm sure I miss good stuff.)
They said to achieve your dreams you should:
1. Explore (you don't know what you don't know - learn about all sorts of different areas and see each experience as an opportunity for growth).
2. Reflect (take time to be still, notice beliefs you hold that are not true - like that you are not good enough - and crush them)
- Tool: Think of a memory where you first encountered a feeling. Put the memory in your mind. Picture Christ stepping in at that point in time and telling you something true to replace the lie you walked from that experience with.
3. Jump off a cliff (take action, even if it is scary. You may not know the whole picture, but take the next step.)
- Tools: Tribe - Find people who encourage you
- Mentors (Christ is the ultimate mentor - develop a relationship with Him by doing what He prompts you to do, He may lead you to other mentors who can help).
- Systems: Set up an accountability system - write your goal, find a partner to keep you accountable, set up a consequence for not achieving it
- Affirmations (say positive things to yourself)
We discussed that we don't necessarily have "ONE big dream" (besides exaltation), but that Christ can guide us along in accomplishing the dreams He has for us (which are sometimes different than we think and always better).
We talked about how we can use this class to help us "explore" - find true principles in everything we read, including great works readings, "reflect" - with one another in group discussion, online comments and in our reflection books, and "jump off a cliff" - set up goals and hold each other accountable
We were sitting in a circle and decided to report to the person to the right of us, and that person would hold us accountable that week. We can report to them through a quick chat message, text or call
each day. If the person who reports to us hasn't reported that day - we may want to send them a reminder. It may be helpful to remind them too of the inspirements to do that day. We decided that if everyone accomplishes their goals and inspirements 4 weeks in a row - we would do something fun as a class (maybe a mystery room), but if someone does not keep their goals, then the whole class starts over.
Here are the goals and the person you are reporting to (Some of the order changed from last night because I dropped in the names of the people who were not here in between some who were so you could answer questions for them about it if they have any)
I know I probably worded some of your goals wrong - so if I worded it wrong or you weren't there to tell me a goal, please comment or email me and I will put it up here.
Try to report as early in the day as possible once you have accomplished your goal to get the ball rolling through the circle.
Ashley: (reports to Cassia): To replace negative thoughts with kind words when she is frustrated with siblings
Cassia (reports to Isaiah): To write a daily priority list to keep her on track
Isaiah (reports to Adam): To make a priority list with time assigned to it
Adam (reports to Elisabeth): Write a daily list (I can't remember how you structured it...)
Elisabeth (reports to Megan):
Megan (reports to McKena): Replace negative thoughts with positive ones (I think this was more specific, but I can't remember how you worded it.)
McKena (reports to Rachel):
Rachel (reports to William): Do something she knows she ought to do, but is scared to every day.
William (reports to Carson): Finish his song this week to play on Friday
Carson (reports to Miles):
Miles (reports to Gracious): Learn something about a talent daily
Gracious (reports to Sydney): Remind herself that she is a child of God when she has negative thoughts.
Sydney (reports to Caden):
Caden (reports to Ashley):
Karen: (I will report to Cassia and William) - Make a list of action items after conference
Now, here are the inspirements for the week. I put a suggested day in brackets by each one so you have an idea of when it would be good to get them done, but you can adjust as needed as long as they are done by their due date.
Continue thinking about your semester project as you listen to conference. See if God puts any additional thoughts in your mind about what you can do or how you can do it.
[Sat and Sun]
2. Take notes during conference about decision making principles
[Sat and Sun]
3. Share the principles you found in the comments below by TUESDAY (and questions if you'd like)
Read the comments and write your own principles in your decision making notebook as you read (answer questions if you'd like).
5. Answer 3 or more questions from last week on last week's post. Write a scripture, quote or experience that supports your answer.
6. Accountability Report and Memorization (first 4 lines on IF)
I would also like us to record "Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer" this coming week so if Elisabeth could bring her cello, Isaiah his guitar, and I will see if Nathan can come up for the piano (if he can't - can anyone else play the song?)
Also, I wrote a blog post the other day after watching the movie
The Walk that goes along with what we discussed last night after the presentation. You can read it
here if you'd like.