Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spring - Week 3 - Conference and Accountability

I left my camera in the car so the only picture I got was in the parking lot as we were leaving. Sorry, Caden and Carson had left by then!

I am glad so many of you were able to go to Salt Lake to listen to the Lionheart presentation. We missed those of you who couldn't come :-( But I will summarize my notes below - though they include some of my thoughts (anyone can feel free to add to my summary in the comments - I'm sure I miss good stuff.)
They said to achieve your dreams you should:
1. Explore (you don't know what you don't know - learn about all sorts of different areas and see each experience as an opportunity for growth).

2. Reflect (take time to be still, notice beliefs you hold that are not true - like that you are not good enough - and crush them)
  •  Tool: Think of a memory where you first encountered a feeling. Put the memory in your mind. Picture Christ stepping in at that point in time and telling you something true to replace the lie you walked from that experience with.
3. Jump off a cliff (take action, even if it is scary. You may not know the whole picture, but take the next step.)
  • Tools: Tribe - Find people who encourage you
  • Mentors (Christ is the ultimate mentor - develop a relationship with Him by doing what He prompts you to do, He may lead you to other mentors who can help).
  • Systems: Set up an accountability system - write your goal, find a partner to keep you accountable, set up a consequence for not achieving it
  • Affirmations (say positive things to yourself)
We discussed that we don't necessarily have "ONE big dream" (besides exaltation), but that Christ can guide us along in accomplishing the dreams He has for us (which are sometimes different than we think and always better).

We talked about how we can use this class to help us "explore" - find true principles in everything we read, including great works readings, "reflect" - with one another in group discussion, online comments and in our reflection books, and "jump off a cliff" - set up goals and hold each other accountable

We were sitting in a circle and decided to report to the person to the right of us, and that person would hold us accountable that week. We can report to them through a quick chat message, text or call each day. If the person who reports to us hasn't reported that day - we may want to send them a reminder. It may be helpful to remind them too of the inspirements to do that day. We decided that if everyone accomplishes their goals and inspirements 4 weeks in a row - we would do something fun as a class (maybe a mystery room), but if someone does not keep their goals, then the whole class starts over.

Here are the goals and the person you are reporting to (Some of the order changed from last night because I dropped in the names of the people who were not here in between some who were so you could answer questions for them about it if they have any)

I know I probably worded some of your goals wrong -  so if I worded it wrong or you weren't there to tell me a goal, please comment or email me and I will put it up here.

Try to report as early in the day as possible once you have accomplished your goal to get the ball rolling through the circle.

Ashley: (reports to Cassia): To replace negative thoughts with kind words when she is frustrated with siblings
Cassia (reports to Isaiah): To write a daily priority list to keep her on track
Isaiah (reports to Adam): To make a priority list with time assigned to it
Adam (reports to Elisabeth): Write a daily list (I can't remember how you structured it...)
Elisabeth (reports to Megan):
Megan (reports to McKena): Replace negative thoughts with positive ones (I think this was more specific, but I can't remember how you worded it.)
McKena (reports to Rachel):
Rachel (reports to William): Do something she knows she ought to do, but is scared to every day.
William (reports to Carson): Finish his song this week to play on Friday
Carson (reports to Miles):
Miles (reports to Gracious): Learn something about a talent daily
Gracious (reports to Sydney): Remind herself that she is a child of God when she has negative thoughts.
Sydney (reports to Caden):
Caden (reports to Ashley):
Karen: (I will report to Cassia and William) - Make a list of action items after conference
Now, here are the inspirements for the week. I put a suggested day in brackets by each one so you have an idea of when it would be good to get them done, but you can adjust as needed as long as they are done by their due date.

1. Continue thinking about your semester project as you listen to conference. See if God puts any additional thoughts in your mind about what you can do or how you can do it. [Sat and Sun]
2.  Take notes during conference about decision making principles [Sat and Sun]
3.  Share the principles you found in the comments below by TUESDAY (and questions if you'd like) [Mon]
4.Read the comments and write your own principles in your decision making notebook as you read (answer questions if you'd like). [Wed]
5.  Answer 3 or more questions from last week on last week's post. Write a scripture, quote or experience that supports your answer. [Thu]
6.  Accountability Report and Memorization (first 4 lines on IF) [Everyday]

I would also like us to record "Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer" this coming week so if Elisabeth could bring her cello, Isaiah his guitar, and I will see if Nathan can come up for the piano (if he can't - can anyone else play the song?)

Also, I wrote a blog post the other day after watching the movie The Walk that goes along with what we discussed last night after the presentation. You can read it here if you'd like.


  1. Goal: Learn something about a talent/dream every day.

  2. Question on assignment #6, What is "first 4 lines on IF"? Is that the poem? If so, would you send it to me? Thanks!

  3. Can I use Cassia's guitar to record?

  4. I got a lot of principles for conference, so I'm just gonna share a few of the more important ones! ;) I phrased them in questions because that's how I'm going to start making decisions--asking myself if it is right! :)

    1: Does it line up with the Lord's commandments?
    2: Is it the Lord's will for you? Are you listening to the Spirit's promptings?
    3: What is your goal through accomplishing this? Is it a righteous goal, and will it help the Lord's work?

  5. Here are some principles!
    1. If you're choosing Christ you're choosing right.
    2. The spirit will direct you down the right path. If you feel comfortable that is the spirit.
    3. Pray! The Lord is waiting to give you answers.

  6. Principles of decision making:
    -Be willing to sacrifice.
    -Remember that you are a child of God. Make your decisions be in line with what a child of God would do.
    -Learn how to recognize the Holy Ghost's promptings so you can trust them.
    -Make sure they are in line with God's standards
    -Go Forward with Faith (reference the FTSOY)
    -Be humble
    -Don't let your wants get in the way of revelation
    -Ask good questions:
    -Is it in line with baptismal covenants?
    -What are my ultimate goals?
    -Will this decision help me accomplish my goal?

  7. Kevin R. Duncun said... For several uears I had suffered pain from a sliver, so I took action by applying ointment to my finger and a band-aid. A littlebit later, I took of the bandage and the sliver came out on it's own.

    What I think he's saying is that we can have things in our lives that cause pain or that stay with us for a long time and if we don't take action then the pain or what ever it is that is causing pain will stay with us, but, if we do take action then we can eventually be free of that pain.

    1. I forgot to say this but, the principle is to take action.

  8. Principles: If you make the right choices your faith will grow stronger and you will grow closer to the Lord.

    Pray for help when you making choices.

    Tomorrow’s blessings and opportunities depend on the choices we make today.

  9. This is kind of long - I don't expect others to be this detailed, but as we are making some decisions right now, I pulled a lot of principles out about it. I also phrased it in questions like Gracious so I could ask myself the questions when it was time to make a decision.

    1. Why do I want this? What is my intent? Am I choosing faith? [Bonnie Oscarson]

    2. Will it help me better build the kingdom of God or harvest souls [Mervyn G. Arnold]? Is it in accordance with my identity as a daughter of God? [Donald L. Hallsrom] Am I following Christ? [Stephen W. Owen] Am I remembering what God expects me to become? [Thomas S. Monson]

    3. How will it affect my family?

    “Every major decision should be based on the effect it will have on a family to qualify for life with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.” [Henry B. Eyring]

    4. Is it in line with the words of the prophets? Am I being obedient (taking steps of faith)? [Deiter F. Uchtdorf]

    5. Am I choosing the harder right or easier wrong? “Choose Christ. Consider the consequences. Remember your goal.” [Thomas S. Monson]

    6. Am I thinking first of the well being of others? [D. Todd Cristopherson] Am I neglecting doing it because it seems small? What talents to I need to develop to help the people around me?

    “In your home, and in your priesthood service, the greatest value will be in the small acts that help us and those we love work toward eternal life” [Henry B. Eyring]

    7. Am I listening for his call to come through reaching out to Him by taking the outstretched hands my family, church leaders and those in need? [Ronald A. Rasband] [Neil L. Anderson] [Patrick Kaeron]

    8. Am I attending the temple frequently? If not, why? [Kent Richards] Am I keeping my Covenants? [Gerrit W. Gong]

    9. Am I searching the scriptures earnestly? [Russell M. Nelson]

    10. Have I counciled with my family and enlisted their help? [M. Russell Ballard]

    11. Have I studied it out, followed promptings and asked? [Robert D. Hales]
    To receive personal revelation:
    a) Am I praying with full purpose of heart (fully intending to do whatever is God’s will, even if it is hard)? [Henry B. Eyring]
    b) Is my heart filled with gratitude and love? (If not, express gratitude through words or actions until it is)
    c) Have I rid myself of weight (distractions, clutter, sin) that is pulling me down so that I can more easily reach Heaven? [Mary R. Durham]
    d) Have I forgiven everyone, including myself? Do I see them as Good sees them? [Kevin R. Duncan] Am I filled with charity? [Dieter F. Uchtdorf]
    e) Am I humble? Do I see myself as an exception to the rule (red flag)? If so – why? (Nephi killed Laban against Nephi’s will to save a nation.) Am I seeing my weaknesses? (If not – draw clutter to God.) [Steven E. Snow]
    f) Am I in the process of being sanctified by the Holy Ghost? [David A. Bednar]

    12. Do I feel discouraged? Do not give up! Wait on the Lord and trust His timing. [Jairo Mazzgardi] Do not be discouraged by your or others’ weaknesses. Remember the first great truth: God loves us with all his heart, might, mind and strength. [Jeffery R. Holland]

  10. One of the biggest principles I got from it was that the Lord knows what's best. Donald L. Hallstorm said -"You can have what you want or you can have something better." Basicly, it's either check Facebook bright now even though its like midnight (the thing we want now) or go to bed! (which is something better) I know that's not what he meant when he said that, but, I was able to get a principle out of that! So just think in future terms. Will this help me now? Or would something else be better?

  11. One thing that particularly stood out to me was Elder Holland's talk. He quoted a scripture from Joshua (I think),that says, "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you."

    It's super important that we make decisions that will "sanctify" us today, so that tomorrow we will be prepared to stand with God.

    There were tons of other principles, but I'm awful at catching them the first time through, so I'll listen to a bunch of the talks over again in the next month or so. :)

  12. Thomas S. Monson: Choosing the harder right and not the easier wrong will lead us to happiness.
    Henry B. Eyring: Praying always and nourishing the seed of faith within us will lead us to be able to know the right choices from the wrong ones so that we can make the right ones.
    Dieter F. Uchtdorf: If we make choices that we know will turn us to Christ, then Christ will rescue us from being lost.
    Russell M. Nelson: Utilizing the priesthood and its power in our lives will help us to know the right decisions to make.
    Dallin H. Oaks: Opposition is necessary to give us the opportunity to make choices.
    M. Russell Ballard: Counseling with others, especially with family members, will give us better perspective on what choices we should make.
    Robert D. Hales: The Holy Ghost will help us to make major life decisions correctly as long as we "study the situation out in our minds according to gospel principles, and bring a decision to Him in prayer."
    Jeffery R. Holland: We will be blessed for seeking what's right and trying our best when making choices, even if we make mistakes and choose what's wrong sometimes.
    David A. Bednar: If we are constantly striving to keep our baptismal covenants and seeking for a remission of sins, then we will qualify to have the Holy Ghost with us to help us make the right choices.
    Quentin L. Cook: The temple is a sanctuary from the world and a place where we can go to receive guidance from the Lord in our decisions as we do work for our deceased ancestors.
    D. Todd Christofferson: Our earthly fathers as well as our Heavenly Father will give us wise guidance as we go to them with our decisions.
    Neil L. Anderson: As we lose ourselves by reaching out to others, we will find the right direction for our lives.
    Ronald A. Rasband: We can take comfort that we're making the right choices if we're following the counsel of our church leaders, which is really the counsel of God.
    Gary E. Stevenson: Utilizing priesthood keys by preparing for missionary service, attending the temple, and going forward with faith with give us guidance to make the right choices and stay on the proper path.
    Dale G. Renlund: Draw near unto God, and He will show you the right way.

    Sorry :( I just wanted to do all the apostles

  13. Principle> Choose the harder right, and NOT the easier wrong. ( Pres. Monson )
    Carson Y.

  14. Question on assignment #5, How do we find last week's post?

  15. The Lord will never force you to his gospel. He will only guide those who want it. ( I forgot to look when his name was on the screen.)

  16. It really stood out to me when Deiter F. Uchtdorf talked about how obedience brings more light and joy into your life. I feel like that is a good indicator of when you are making the right decision- if you are obeying God's commandments, and what you've decided is bringing more light and joy and truth into your life, then you know that the fruit is good.

  17. I just wanted to write out some things I learned this week in case I can't make it to class today. At General Conference, one of my questions concerned what my life needs to look like next year. What classes should I take? Where should I take them? What do I need to focus on? I paid special attention to that question but didn't feel like I received an answer. However there was a lot of talk about temples and making choices. So I decided to take myself to the temple (since I can drive now! haha!) and ponder my questions. I brought a list of all the options I was considering, my list of decision making principles, my scriptures, and my patriarchal blessing. I did some family namesa and then I went into the chapel to study. There were about 6 other people who had also come by themselves to spend time in the temple so it was very quiet and the Spirit was pretty strong. After a little while, I felt strongly that I had recieved my answers. I even got answers to questions I didn't even know I had! Even though I didn't receive my answer at Conference, I did receive my answer because of Conference. I came home and was so excited to get signed up for my classes, but things just weren't working out for a variety of reasons. I was confused because I figured that it would be easy to do what I supposed to since it was personal revelation. It took a few days but things started to work and come together. I think I had a little test to see if I really trusted that what I had learned was personal revelation for me.

    There a few decision making principles I learned from that experience:
    -Prepare/analyze your options by yourself before praying about it
    -Maintain a good attitude
    -Expect to be tested
    -Trust in the Lord

  18. Robert D. Hales talked about how you should bring your decisions before the Lord. I think that its always good to pray if you are struggling with a decision.
    Neil L. Anderson said that you shouldn't be afraid when you are about to be successful. I think that a lot of times when we are about to accomplish something hard we give up right before we are finished.
