Saturday, March 5, 2016

Week 9 - Letting Go of Anxiety and Self-Doubt

This morning was so nice and peaceful. I am glad some of you could join us for the temple and I hope everyone had a reflective hike.

We wrote and talked about things that "get in the way" of our spiritual daily habits, educational goals, family relationships and our joy and creativity.

We hiked with things that got in our way (with arms tied to each other's and then feet tied to each other's feet).

And we talked about why we let things get in our way. It was discussed that it is often because it is easier or more comfortable to get distracted or just go with the status quo. But we agreed that hiking with "things in our way" is much slower and difficult than when we let things go.

It was mentioned that chains can be broken one by one and how uncertainty is like faith (described in Alma 32) and it is where curiosity, inspiration, and creativity, growth and experimenting take place. As we feel truth swell in our hearts, enlighten our minds, enlarge our souls and become delicious - it grows into knowledge and our faith becomes dormant in that thing. Then we can get curious about the next adventure in growth.

We just have 2 weeks of class left before our family presentations! Any of you  are welcome to come over anytime this week to get going on them and we will make some time to work on it on Friday. We are available Tuesday before 5, Wednesday before 3, and Thursday after 2 and before 5:30.

Plan on an extra long class on March 18th (I had it on the calendar from 2:30-6:30) we will have a simulation and finalize our projects.

Here are your inspirements for this week:
  1. Read Guidepost 8 and 9 in GOI,, comment below with: your goal for this week (from Guidepost 6 or 7), a favorite quote (from Guidepost 8 or 9), and a question by TUESDAY.
  2. Carve out 30-60 minutes to sit quietly outside (somewhere without people) with a pen and reflection book, your Gifts of Imperfection book and the this printout with a review of the semester. Write down what you have learned about yourself and wholeheartedness through the last couple of months.**
  3. Type out what you don't mind sharing.  Include a personal example. Post it in your own blog, a google doc, or on our discussion blog  by Wednesday. Type the link to your writing in the comments below. Several in the group are out of town this weekend and will need to see your writing so they can comment by Thursday. 
  4. Comment on at least 4 questions and 4 writing links (8 total) by Thursday.
There are 15 youth in our class,  so we should have 16 goal/quote/question comments by Tuesday (including mine) and 16 more writing links by Wednesday (32 total). And don't forget to comment on 8 things by THURSDAY night.

**if you were not in class Saturday. It would be helpful to start your writing with the questions we pondered on our hike:
1. What gets in the way of your spiritual daily habits? Why do you let it?
2. What are your daily and long term educational goals? What gets in the way of your daily ones? Why do you let it?
3. What gets in the way of joyful family relationships or what causes contention in your home? Why do you let it?
4. What gets in the way of your daily joy and creativity? Why do you let it?


  1. This week I am going to finish the song I am working on. Writing music helps me to think creatively and to stay calm and collected.

    "They were committed to a way of living where anxiety was a reality but not a lifestyle. They did this by cultivating calm and stillness in their lives and making these practices the norm."

    How can you stay calm and think fast at the same time?

    1. Staying relaxed and remaining calm while thinking fast is a tough skill to learn. In the reading she said that taking a breath before she said anything when she was angry allowed her time to think and calm herself. So I think that thinking fast can sometimes help you remain calm. Jedi are a good example of this. They stay calm and focused while using their minds efficiently to think about the task at hand.

    2. Staying calm and thinking fast aren't opposites. I think that when you're calm and collected, it's actually easier to think fast. For example, if I am performing at a piano recital and feel nervous and jumpy I will not respond well if I mess something up. On the other hand, if I feel calm and peaceful, I am much more likely to be able to think fast, respond well, and perform better.

      Although there are times when you need a space of time for complete calmness, calmness is also a state of being that you can carry with you, making it easier to respond quickly but not impulsively (which is often the kind of quick-thinking we get when we're anxious).

      Sorry, this was a scatter-brained comment. I hope that it made some sort of sense. :)

    3. I think calm is being at peace with yourself. Thinking fast isn't really hurting your conscience! ;) That's the way I think of it, at least.

    4. I think you can be calm and think fast at the same time. I think calmness can sometimes just mean being in tune with the Spirit. And when I'm in tune with the Spirit, I can think much faster and quicker.

    5. When I'm calm, I think faster :) When I have the spirit, I feel like I accomplish the most.

    6. I agree with Cassia. When I am calm I tend to think faster. When I am frustrated or rushed I tend to think slowly. I think a great way to stay calm but work fast is to pray for help to work quickly.

  2. My goal is to create something everyday using my specific talents.
    "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who come alive."
    Is this quote really true? Should we ask what we should do to help the world? Isn't that what our mission is? Should it be centered on others, and not ourselves?

    1. What makes you come alive? I think that is a question that not very many people can answer. To me it is bringing joy to someone else by using my talents and gifts God has given me. I don't think anyone will feel alive if they are being selfish or centered in the wrong things. So I think this quote is true because in order to feel alive we will be living true principles and helping others around us. :)

    2. I agree with Megan. Because Heavenly Father gave us the gifts and talents we have of course he wants us to help others with them but I think there is a lot we already do that with that we don't have to try to help others, we just do it subconsciously.
      And I think that if your "alive" then you can help others to feel that, but if you aren't then you can't

    3. I think that when this quote says to not "ask what the world needs," it's not referring to service. It's more about trying to always please everyone, which is impossible, and not a service to yourself or anyone else.

      I definitely agree with what's been said already: Service and kindness to others IS often what makes us come alive, and we can't fully serve others until we have that life within us.

    4. Ya, I think that you need to start somewhere! Heavenly Father sent you here - so you are what the world needs! So, first you have to do what makes you come alive, then you're alive, and you'll change the world with just that!

    5. I think this quote has some partial truth to it, but a specific story comes to my mind goes contrary to this quote. The story that I think of is George Washington's life. From what I have learned about George Washington, he did not really like the political world; but he did enjoy running a plantation and living a private life at Mount Vernon. Yet, his greatest contribution to society happened because of his political life. My point is, I think it is important to ask what we can do to benefit the world, but I think our contributions can be enhanced if we disperse some things that make use come alive among the serious and "important" things.

  3. This blog has a lot of my thoughts that I've had lately.

    1. I love this blog so much - getting all of your posts! They make me so happy! :)

  4. I'm going to do the "Dig Deep" from guidepost 7. To say no to something this week and replace it with a nap.

    "Calm and stillness may sound like the same things, but I learned that they are different and that we need both."

    How do we find and embrace the Calm things and still things in our lives?

    1. It's something I don't do well at at all. But I am so grateful when I do. But I think just plan for it, like you have to plan to do homework and classes, plan ahead that that is a priority and make sure to do it! :D

    2. Naps can do so much for you. They just have to be the right length :P

    3. What we've been challenged to do this week is a great way. Just get out in nature for half-an-hour by yourself, and take some time to think and ponder. :)

    4. I think any calm or still thing comes from Heavenly Father. So if it helps you to feel the Spirit and helps you to love others, then that's all you have to embrace - are things of Father and things that help you to feel lovely inside! You can even feel calm and still inside when everything around you is fuzzy and loud, I think!

    5. I think the best way to embrace the calm and still things in our lives is to just give ourselves 15ish minutes to think deeply or shallowy about something that we love. Also, reading the scriptures is another great way to find the calm and still things.

    6. I think it's important to remember the difference between being lazy and being slothful. A nap can be a great thing because it can help us be rested and energized to help build God's kingdom, but an unnecessary nap is just lazy. I'm going to try and find a balance between resting and being lazy in my personal life.

    7. Embracing the calm can be difficult, especially when you feel anxious or restless, but I think listing to hymns, or just calming songs, really helps you get into a de-stress mode :P

  5. My goal is to play the piano and sing for a little while out of the day to give myself time to relax (because that's what I enjoy doing). I'm also studying on the roof because it's fun! ;)

    "Like our gifts and talents, meaning is unique to each one of us."

    Are gifts and talents what we should be focusing on? Sometimes I have a hard time just letting myself do things that have nothing to do with eternity... ;p What if you feel your talents don't really help Heavenly Father out in any way....? Does that make sense?

    1. Our talents are gifts given to us by The Lord, He has asked us to work on our talents and to build something more through them. I find it very inspiring when someone uses their talents for good, it makes me want to use my talents too! I think Heavenly Father has created a way for all of us to use our talents to build His kingdom here on earth. Isn't that a way of obeying God and using our talents eternally? :)

    2. Studying on the roof? I'm going to have to try that sometime...

    3. Ugh well, it doesn't help me relax!

    4. I agree with Megan. Your talents are eternal, and developing them is part of God's plan for you! You may not feel like your gifts and talents aren't helping anyone right now, but Heavenly Father does care about them, and someday you'll be able to use them to serve others, even if not at this stage of life. "To every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby."(D&C 46:11-12)

    5. I really like that you mentioned doing something that helps you relax. I've found that sometimes I will watch TV or YouTube thinking to myself that it will help me relax after a stressful day, but I'm really just checking out and not unwinding like I need to.

    6. Yeah, I think you can always use your talents to build God's kingdom. That's why they're there :)

  6. My goal is to find a special place where I can be alone to relax and focus.

    Stillness is not about focusing on nothingness; it's about creating a clearing. It's opening up an emotionally clutter-free space and allowing ourselves to feel and think and dream and question.

    How can we apply stillness to be able to focus on things around us?

    1. Being calm and still helps you stay focused. Like I was saying to Megan. The Jedi are a good example of that.

    2. One thing to think about is that it's hard to focus on something if it's moving. If it's still, it's easy. That might apply to our lives.

    3. I think I focus even better when I'm still. I think whenever you have the Spirit, that's when you feel still and focused. I don't think stillness is necessarily an outward thing, it's inward. The sacrament prayers say that to have the Spirit, all you have to do is always remember Christ and keep his commandments. That will help us to be still!

  7. Quote: Sharing our gifts and talents with the world is the most powerful source of connection with God.

    Question: Are there still more gift and talents that we still need to find out.

    My goal is I will spend 30 min. of alone time to relax and be in touch with God.

    1. Yeah! I think we should always be trying to find new hidden talents.

    2. I am not really sure actually, but I sure hope there is. I think that we can gain whatever skill we want if we really try hard at it and WANT to because I think it's those desires in us that end up being amazing skills that we can use :)

    3. Yes! I think we have so many that we don't realize that others realize, and there are some that only Heavenly Father knows - and He desires us to search and find them! We'll probably go to heaven and be so amazed at how much talent God has blessed us with!

    4. Yes, I am fairly certain that each one of us still has talents to be found, and oftentimes our talents are things that are not usually considered talents. I mean, somebodies talent could be Organizing papers. You just never know what hidden talents you may have.

    5. For Sure! I have a friend who has a strong talent for sidewalk chalk drawing. It may not sound like much, but he invites the neighborhood kids to come over and draw with him in his driveway. It's really helped bring his neighbors together.

      Another thought I have is that while all gifts are available to us through God, we won't necessarily be given certain ones because we don't need them in our lives right now.

    6. I think there are always undiscovered talents inside are that are just waiting to pop out! That one of the awesome parts about life, is finding out what they are.

  8. "Overcoming self-doubt is all about believing we're enough and letting go of what the world says we're supposed to be and supposed to call ourselves."

    My goal this week is to take some time for play and do things that have no purpose than to relax and have fun.

    How can we keep up with the crazy pace of life and the many meaningful things we're involved in while still incorporating time for play and rest?

    1. I think the best way to keep up with everything in life is to set priorities. There is always something that should be done first (prayer, scripture reading, family time.) And then things that should come second (school, work, other people.) I think the best way to feel calm and peaceful is to take scheulded, planned brakes. To me that means knowing when you're going to take a break and knowing how you're going to spend the break. I find when I prioritize my life I can stay calm and happy while getting everything important done!

    2. Ya - I agree with Megan! It's like the analogy with the rocks, pebbles and sand in the jar! When we put the most important things first, Heavenly Father blesses us to be able to finish everything He'd like us to, and what we'd like to!

  9. "Overcoming self-doubt is all about believing we're enough and letting go of what the world says we're supposed to be and supposed to call ourselves."

    My goal this week is to take some time for play and do things that have no purpose than to relax and have fun.

    How can we keep up with the crazy pace of life and the many meaningful things we're involved in while still incorporating time for play and rest?

    1. Its all about time management. I think that we can always fit in a small part of our day to spend time with siblings.

    2. I've mentioned it before, but this talk has really helped me try to figure out how to schedule my life when it seems unmanageable:

  10. Quote: This is one of the Gremlins: "Yes you do that well, but that's not really a gift; it's not big enough or important enough to be a real talent."

    My goal is to give myself 10 minutes to meditate (mind rest) each day.

    My question: "How do we eliminate the need to be liked by others and look impressive and educated to them?" -Nathan Nielson

    1. I think it all comes down to whose opinion you care about. If you're constantly searching to be accepted by others, you will find yourself doing things to impress them or look smarter, cooler, etc. to them. But if you're focused on God's opinion of you, and His view of your worth (which will always be AMAZING!), then often those other things will fit into place. Christ-centered people want to be friends with and will have good opinions of other Christ-centered people, so, though you may not find acceptance from the world, you'll find acceptance from the people from whom you'll want it. :)

    2. That's a really hard thing! ;p I don't think it's necessarily bad to want to be liked, it's when it interferes with your relationship with Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father wants us to have good relationships with others - He doesn't mean us to be alone! But when other people interfere with your relationship with Heavenly Father, or your happiness, that's when you need to learn to not care. Heavenly Father can help us with that! Whenever we ask him for help, if it's a good thing, He will help us!

    3. Thank you Elisabeth and Gracious. These comments helped me write my paper about what I learned.

  11. My goal: Try taking one activity out of my life one at a time, and see which one gives me the most relief when removed from my schedule.

    Quote: "When I think about calm people, I think about people who...feel their feelings without reacting to heightened emotions like fear and anger."

    Question: In the quote above, she mentions heightened emotions. What is a heightened emotion? Are all heightened emotions bad? What is the best way to deal with heightened emotion?

    1. I don't think heightened emotions are altogether bad. In this quote she is talking specifically about anger and fear. These emotions are negative and bad. Calm people are collected and can control their emotions, even the strongest ones. I think there is a time and a place for heightened emotions but it is a wonderful skill to be calm, collected and in control of your emotions.

    2. "See that ye bridle all your passions, that ye may be filled with love;"-Alma 38:12 It's not bad to feel heightened emotions or passions, but often when we let those take control and make decisions based on them, we regret it. We should instead learn to "bridle them." There was a talk by John Bytheway where he talked about this. He said that when you want to ride a horse you bridle it, so you can have control over it. You don't kill it. That would be pretty pointless. :) I think these heightened emotions are the same way. They aren't bad unless you don't have control over them. And if you don't, you don't necessarily try to kill them, but "bridle them."

    3. I agree with Megan! That heightened emotions aren't necessarily bad - like being SUPER happy is probably not a problem. You just have to make sure to know how to control emotions. Heavenly Father can help us with that! :)

    4. I agree wth your goal in taking one thing out and seeing what gives you the most relief because we all need a little time to ourselves to think and relax.

  12. Here is a link to some of my writing thoughts this week:

    1. P.S. Here is a poem I wrote while we were on our hike:

    2. I love this!! :D
      Can I say that that girl you were talking about at your camp is like you whenever I see you?!! Cause it is!
      I loved what you said about all of us being in each others lives for a purpose/reason!

    3. The putting away distractions part is so true. Very difficult though.

    4. I totally agree with Rachel! I think helping others feel optimistic is one of your spiritual gifts. :)

  13. I listen to a lot of music and whenever I get the chance i listen to it which for me is relaxing but it doesn't help with Being very still, so my goal is to listen to more quite songs that will help me be peaceful.

    Question: How can I say no when the things I want to say yes to are good things but my schedule is aLready to busy as it is?

    "We think accomplishments and acquisitions will bring joy and meaning, but that pursuit could be the very thing that's keeping us so tired and afraid to slow down. "

    1. Old Coldplay stuff is really good for that ;) let me know if you need some songs!

    2. I am super bad at that too! But I think that the best way to say no is to prayerfully set priorities and decide beforehand what you'll allow into your schedule, so that when the question comes up, you'll already know the answer.

      Now, to actually apply that. :)

    3. I agree with Elisabeth! ;) You really just have to set to it prayerfully and the Lord will help you to decide - and will help you to feel good about the decision! I've had to do that a couple of times, and it's really hard to drop things - but it ends up helping you so much! :)

    4. You know we have a lot of music today, so good so bad, but out dissisions impact us in many ways. So if we are carful in choosing the type of music we listen to we can stay clean spiritualy.

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  16. My thoughts :)

    1. I love that you said we each have our own spiritual journey and we should help each other along the way! :D

    2. That is such a cool experience! I love the perspective and love that you were able to have when you saw everyone as children of God. It is truly beautiful when we are able to feel that brotherly/sisterly love towards others. :)

  17. My Thoughts:

    1. I like the idea of asking God what we need to work on. Then you can work on things one at a time and its not to stressful.

    2. I love that Sydney! :) I think it's SO important to pay attention to what the Lord would like us to do - and how important it is to follow promptings and to have the Spirit! Thank you!!

    3. These are tricky years for you guys-so many decisions that seem so final and important. I love how you talked about taking it one day at a time and trying to be in tune to promptings. We all make mistakes, but if our desires are to do what is good, Heavenly Father will not let us get derailed. Sometimes the way to what we are meant to do will seem scattered, but God's ways are not our ways and he knows every "detour" we need to take (to Him they are not detours). Great thoughts Sydney :)

    4. Wow! I have recently had a lot of similar worries about the future, as I'm sure many in this class have. I loved your thoughts of trusting in the Lord and overcoming fear. Very well-put. :)

    5. Yeah same for me, I really have a hard time with what I want to major, and what I want for college. It's hard to remember that I don't have to know everything right now, but we have to be guided step by step. That's how life works :P

    6. I thought when I was reading this that you made a great point by puting the scripture.
      “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” -Proverbs 3: 5-6.
      This was great Sydney.

  18. Goal: Take more time to spend with the family even if you are busy.

    Quote: Overfunctioners, like me, can become more willing to embrace our vulnerabilities in the face of anxiety, and underfunctioners can work to amplify their strengthens and competencies.

    Question: How do we find the balance between Over and under functioning?

    1. Balance I'm not even very good on my feet ;) I know it's attainable. i think it's just something you have to figure out for each individual and ask God

    2. My life right there!!!! It's SO hard to find that balance! But I agree with Rachel - it's a personal thing. Some people can easily balance a lot, others need more down time! Heavenly Father knows us each best! :)

    3. William your goal is bomb. I could says that that is the best goal ever.

    4. Regarding your question, I think a good way to find a balance is to pray about. A great reference is the talk "Good, Better, Best" from General Conference. It's helped me a lot.

  19. Here are some of my thoughts:

    1. I totally agree! It's what Heavenly Father thinks of us and what we think of ourselves that really matter!
      It doesn't matter if we get 100% on the test, and He doesn't love you any less but you know you can do better and that's why we can keep growing!

    2. I love the idea of reminding ourselves that we are royalty when we start worrying about how others see us or we start comparing ourselves to others. It is a true way of seeing the world and the opinions of others. How easy we forget. We have such a limited understanding of who we really are.

    3. It's comforting to know that God's love for each of us isn't relative at all. He will always love each of us so much that we can't even comprehend it.

  20. It may be a little scatterbrained but there you go! :D

    1. Those were beautiful thoughts Rachel. You are a very talented young lady and you have many strengths - you will continue to enjoy discovering them. I related to you when you mentioned feeling weak. I guess we all have a long way to go and plenty of weaknesses, but as long as we realize that and keep turning to God for strength, even after we fail, we will continue to grow into our potential - like you said - thanks to the incredible grace offered to us.

    2. I really loved what you said about grace--how Jesus isn't going to say we missed it by 2 points or anything. :) It's such a good point. We aren't here to necessarily always be the best we could possibly be at that moment, but to always try harder and repent. Great thoughts!

    3. Yup. We will always have struggles, but we can always overcome, but only through Christ.

    4. Like you said: "It’s not like Jesus is going to have a clipboard saying that you missed the celestial kingdom by 2 points and us begging for him to look again and make sure! No, WE are the ones that will be uncomfortable and saying that we don’t belong and Jesus will be begging us to reconsider". We can't expect Jesus to let us only do half of what we need to do and he'll do the rest, it's our responsibility to get the work done.
      Nice job Rachel.

    5. I love your thoughts! :) About how weakness is a gift from God! I thought it was sort of funny at first, also, but it's so true! Thanks Rach!

  21. My thoughts....

    1. I love what you said about letting you fall and that we have to feel what he feels to be like him! :D

    2. I love your testimony of the Savior and how we can get strength from relying on Him. I also love the contrasts you made, and how we need to know one to know the other. Beautifully done!

    3. That's my sister for you always so positive.
      I really like how she said:
      I was placed on this earth to get a body and grow to make our my own choices and learn and gain a testimony of my Heavenly Father. Sometimes, he will let me fall, but he will help me get back up and get stronger. He wants me to taste disappointment and failure so that I can get stronger. This is what our Heavenly Father want's for us so we can grow stronger.

  22. Proverbs 23:7 - "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..." The thoughts and desires we let into our minds and hearts, will shape who we are and who we will become.

    1. I've been thinking about this lately, and I think it's important that we choose to do the right things with the thoughts we have.

  23. These are my thoughts.

    1. I think you need to get on your "share"settings and give permission for people with a link to see it. It won't let me read it since I don't have permission :)

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    4. That link does not work but this one does.

    5. I really loved your thoughts! Particularly the quote "I'm a mess, but I'm a beautiful mess. I'm His masterpiece, and that's enough." We're all balls of clay that haven't been molded yet - we're such a mess! But we're His - we haven't been formed entirely yet! Thank you!

    6. I also like the quote Gracious mentioned. It reminded me of my cousin's house; it is a happy mess. It's not clean but as soon as you walk in you know that good things are happening there. It reminds me to be the kind of person that radiates goodness.

    7. I really enjoyed reading your paper. Especially with the friendly feel your paper had. I loved that you said we are all where God wants us to be and that is where we can make the biggest difference.

    8. I loved reading your paper too. Especially the part where you said I was the best teacher ;-) J/K - though I did appreciate that kind message! I really liked the thought about how we are right where we need to be. I truly believe that. It goes with the fear article from this week as well.

  24. Goal: To plan better to have more time for play, rest and work.

    Quote: "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." by Howard Thurman

    Question: I'd like to understand better the difference between calm, and stillness?

  25. "Anxiety is extremely contagious, but so is calm."
    I get really anxious/stressed whenever I waste a lot of time, especially on technology or music, because I know I have a lot of other stuff to do. So my goal is to recognize when I'm feeling that, and immediately try to change it by changing what I'm doing or working on.
    Question: Is it good to cover up anxiety with fake calmness? Or is there even such a thing as fake calmness? When we feel anxious/stressed, is it okay to try to escape it (listen to music, tell yourself everything's okay), or do we need to always go to the source of the problem and try to actually solve it?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I like the part in your question that says,
      Is it good to cover up anxiety with fake calmness?
      is it okay to try to escape it (listen to music, tell yourself everything's okay), or do we need to always go to the source of the problem and try to actually solve it?
      We need to not try to coverup anxiety, we need to always go to the source of the problem and try to actually solve it. Great comment Isaiah.

    3. I think too that putting calm in our lives helps us see the source of the problem more clearly. It is temptingood to say, "I feel anxious because I wasted time so I'll not waste time anymore." But if we put ourselves in a calm place we can start to look at the underlying issues more honestly - why do I choose to spend my time like this? What sort of feelings entice me to do this? Do I need it? (Like maybe working on music is a good thing or your brain needed a break) or am I trying to numb my feelings of being overwhelmed with stuff I don't want to do? And if I feel overwhelmed with stuff I don't want to do - why don't I want to do it? Should I drop some things and focus on what is most important to me and God or do I need to do something daily to remind myself of the why of why of I chose to do those things in the first place? Etc... Being in stillness helps us get to the underlying issue, but quick fixes because we think we know the what the problem is usually leave us running in circles back to the same problem. If we haven't fixed it, it is because we don't know enough to motivate us to fix it I think.

    4. I think stress isn't the best feeling ever, and if we feel that way, we should accept we're feeling that way, but not become more stressed because of it - does that make sense?

    5. I have been wondering the same thing. I guess it depends on if you are trying to escape the problem, or recognize it, embrace it, recuperate and move on.

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    1. Wow, so glad you took the time to write that. I really liked your thought about writing your paper and how you likened that to life - how much more efficient and peaceful we are when we feel satisfied where we are and move on joyfully to even better things. Thanks for your thoughts!

  29. Thanks for sharing! I have been thinking about motives too, and wondering the same thing. How do we make sure we are doing good things for the right reasons? Your paper helped me think about when we have a desire to be good, and do what God wants, then we already have the right motives. It's just about keeping in check with the spirit and making sure you're trying to do God's will for you.

  30. My thoughts!

    1. I think you did what Adam did - you have to get a shareable link so we can read it - otherwise it just says we don't have permission to read your paper.

    2. I think you did what Adam did - you have to get a shareable link so we can read it - otherwise it just says we don't have permission to read your paper.
