Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spring Week 4

1. Read chapter 3 of Creativity Inc
2. Memorize the first 8 lines of If (by Rudyard Kipling)
3. Check on each other about your personal goal and your creative project goal
4. Write a discussion question and a favorite quote on the reading below!


  1. Quote: "Going forward, anyone should be able to talk to anyone else, at any level, at any time, without fear of reprimand. ...People talking directly to one another...was more efficient than trying to make sure that everything happened in the "right" order and through the "proper" channels."

    Question: How do you cultivate an open environment? An environment without unkindness and "reprimand?"

  2. Quote: "People seemed to walk a little taller, they were so proud of what we'd done."

    Question: What makes someone proud of something they've done? What things are worthy of praise?
