Friday, February 5, 2016

Week 5: The Great Divorce

We played with play dough in class today. We talked about how the play dough has the potential to become whatever we mold it to be. We also have everything in us - right now -  to become what we are meant to become.  We are whole. That whole can be make perfect someday as we ask God, "What lack I yet?" and let Him mold us step by step.
Thanks everyone for a great discussion on love, belonging and whether or not we can love others more than we love ourselves. I always learn so much from you and I love spending time with you each week. Here are the inspirements for next week:

 Sat. February 13th 8-1
  1.  Post Goal for Guidepost 4 and Read Guidepost 5 in Gifts of Imperfection
  2. Read The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
  3. Take notes on what motivated each character (and himself) and what keeps them from progressing.
  4. Write a favorite quote, application and question in the comments below
  5. Work on the Poem and Scripture
  6. Work on creative project ideas! Maybe we can start filming while we ski!


  1. Quote:
    “Don’t you remember on earth-there were things too hot to touch with your finger but you could drink them all right? Shame is like that. If you will accept it-if you will drink the cup to the bottom-you will find it very nourishing: but try to do anything else with it and it scalds.”

    To find and experience true happiness do you first have to experience true sadness and shamefulness?

    Most of the people in the book didn’t want/know change, I think that change is an essential part in God’s work and you need to be ready to embrace it when it comes to teach you, and to help you become who the Lord wants you to become.

  2. My Goal for guidepost 4 is to be honest about my accomplishments and failures.

  3. My goal is going to be the "Get Deliberate". I liked how she would stop and think it's ok to be vulnerable at times as long as you recognize it and remember what you're grateful for.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My goal is to try to find Joy and apply it to my life.

  6. Quote: We simply found ourselves in contact with a certain current of ideas and plunged into it because it seemed modern and successful.

    Its easy to get caught up in the flow of the world, how can we better recognize and get out of situations where something might be wrong but is normal fr some of your friends.
