Monday, April 18, 2016

Spring Week 5: Maria and Filming

Alright, I am excited for this week and for what we have planned for the class. I apologize for the disorganization the last couple of weeks. We have had some difficult family decisions to make that have required some research and pondering and it has kind of absorbed me. But I think the hardest decisions are over and I am excited to move forward and get back on track with mentoring this class.

Thank-you for your feedback last week. Please feel free to offer feedback about anything anytime in the future - readings, activities, ideas - I want this to be a class that grows with us as we understand what we need from each other more each week.

We will be meeting at my house at 4:30 this week to record the song and do our book discussion. We will then drive to Bountiful to film the music video.  We will stop at Little Caesars on the way to Bountiful so if you have a couple of dollars to donate, that would help, but it's not mandatory.

If there is time after the filming, we can go back to my house for a movie (Either Mother Teresa or God Grew Tired of Us).

Here are this week's inspirements:
1. Read: Maria: My Story (chapters 1-11). Look for decision making principles.
2. Write: A favorite quote and discussion question from the reading in the comments below.
3. Accountability: Write your personal and project goal below. Remember to ask your accountability partners each day about: Personal Goal, Project Goal, and assignment.

Last week, everyone present when we started class had reached all their goals, but I still need to hear from the following people who were 45 minutes late to class or who did not come:

If you all reached your goals and completed your assignments for class, we will have one week down and just 3 to go for our fun class activity. We still haven't decided on an activity, but here are some suggestions we can talk about:
Cliff Jumping at Causey Reservoir
Camping (if we can get 2 dad's to go and one more mom).
Go see a Play or Concert
Rock Climbing
Mystery Room
Other ideas?

See you Friday! (Let me know if you won't be able to make it.)


  1. Definitely cliff jumping. Carson

  2. Personal Goal: Same as last time learn about what I want to be when I grow up.

    Project Goal: Make a donation thing for refugees.

  3. Quote: "Now I was on the threshold of a new journey where Jesus, the Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit, and our grown up sisters and brothers, "the saints" had suddenly turned from fiction to fact, from legend to reality, and my heart was eager to learn. Once again God was back in my life."

    Question: To what degree is the Holy Ghost able to guide those who do not have God in their lives?

    And I'm with Carson, cliff jumping for sure :)

  4. R we going to the temple 4 baptizms?

  5. Quote: "But there is that certain something about wanting to do the will of God. If one is sincere and if one really wants to know what His will is, all one has to do is be quiet. Shut off television and radio, and in that silence one will always hear that still small voice in one's heart telling him what to do."

    Question: Can the Spirit still speak to us in chaos and in loud situations?

    I don't really care what we do, anything would be a blast! :)

  6. Quote: A family that prays together, stays together.

    Question: How can we make are prayers more meaningful.

    Anything outdoor's would be fun.

  7. I liked the part where the captain guy is talking to his family before they escape, when he's like "do we want to keep our material goods or our spiritual goods? Cause we can't have both." My question is, can we fully have both in our situation right now? Or does having material things have to degrade spiritual things? I guess it probly depends on what material things.
    I kind of forgot my goal this week. Sorry, I'll have to start over next week.
    Idk what I want to do for the fun activity.
