Saturday, April 23, 2016

Week 6 - Identity, Candor and Fear

Thank-you all for your inspiring participation during the discussion and for your hard work in recording the song. It is sounding great.

I did not want to take time from the discussion to ask each of you about your project goal and your personal goal because I thought it might be more efficient if you each wrote it out in the comments below instead. Please write it by Sunday. If I don't get everyone to write their goals in the comments, I will go back to asking you individually each class, but I do hope you'll write it yourself to save us some time.

I wasn't planning on having class this week because many of you will be busy with Maria, but since we were not able to film the music video last week, I wondered if we could find a time where we could get together to film? Let me know if you are available either Tuesday from 2-4, Thr. from 3-5, or Friday or Saturday morning.

For your ispirements, there is a bit more reading than usual since you have 2 weeks, so start it soon.

Inspirements that are due 2 weeks from yesterday (on May 6th):
Write: Project and personal goal below. Help one another with reminders and checking up.
Read: Creativity Inc. Chapters 4-6
Write: A discussion question, quote, and a way to apply something from the chapters to your family or to your collaborative projects.

Over the last two weeks, several people have neglected writing the question and quote. Please do not neglect it this week.


  1. Personal goal: spend an hour or less on the internet a day (besides school)
    Project goal: write the verse for my song
    On Tuesday I get out of school right at 2, and I have work at 5, so idk if that would work. I can't do Thursday. Friday or Saturday morning could work though.

  2. Personal: Write at least 3 things I'm grateful for every night in my journal.
    Project: Go through the script editing again, spread audition info more, and hopefully go through some audition videos! ;)
    I'm fine Tuesday, Thursday or Friday! I have rehearsal Saturday morning, though....

  3. Personal: Do what I need to do first before I do what I want to do.
    Project: Figure out what to do.

  4. Personal: I'm just keeping mine the same (time management)
    Project: I'm waiting for an email with the list of missionaries and then I will decide what to do.

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  6. Personal: Write on one blog everyday!
    Project: Start watching audition videos and the cast list. (I've decided just to work with Gracious on the Ella film.)

  7. Personal: make a written hourly schedule to check off daily.
    Project: research walls open for murals.

  8. Personal: Index 10 names each day
    Project: I changed my goal to creating a blog that documents my journey to health. So each day I will work on a post/vlog

  9. Also, I thinking that it might be easier for the music video to simply have a slideshow of different pictures (I.E. nature photos, Christ paintings, uplifting/power pictures)

  10. Personal goal: think of 3 things I'm grateful for anytime I'm tempted to complain.
    Project goal: figure out how much fabric we'll need, etc.

  11. Quote:"I'm not the first to say that failure, when approached properly, can be an opportunity for growth. But the way most people interpret this assertion is that mistakes are a necessary evil. Mistakes aren't a necessary evil. They aren't evil at all."

    Question: How can failures help us make better decisions in the future?

  12. Personal goal: To get to bed before 9:00 pm.
    Project goal: To get on Family Search every Sunday. And Try to do something good!

  13. Goal: I'm going to do more service for my friends and family.
    Tuesday I work from 10-4pm. Either Friday our Saturday would work best for me.

  14. Personal Goal: Read at least 20 pages of Les Miserables every day (I excluded yesterday, though).
    Project Goal: Watch all audition videos (they should be in by Saturday) and actually figure out what I'm going to do because sometimes I have random ideas and now I'm confused. ;p

  15. Quote: "Sometimes the Braintrust will know something's wrong, but they will identify the wrong symptom."

    Question: Is it okay to have hierarchy in teams? In what other areas of life do you see unnecessary hierarchies? And how do you fix that?
    Example 1: In theatre, it is often hard for ensemble/chorus members to feel important; perhaps this a result of emphasis put on the leads or maybe that those who play lead roles are often the ones with bios in the playbill even though others may have just as much experience and talent.
    Example 2: In sports like football, the quarterbacks are often considered more important than everyone else when in reality, everyone is needed to make the team. (I would assume, I don't actually know)
    Example 3: Church callings tend to have a stigma attached to them (I. E. RS president compared to cub scout leader)

    Application: I can apply the principles of the Braintrust to my family by recognizing what family members do to contribute to the home.

  16. Quote: "Experiments are fact-finding missions that, over time, inch scientists toward greater understanding. That means that any outcome is a good outcome, because it yields new information. If your experiment proved your initial theory wrong, better to know it sooner than later. Armed with new facts, you can then re-frame whatever question you're asking."

    Question: When we fail, is it sometimes meant to be? Does Heavenly Father want us to fail and then pick ourselves back up? What is He trying to teach us through that?

    Application: If not everything lays itself out perfectly for me, not to give up.

  17. Goal: Get caught up on scripture study by the end of the 6th :D

  18. Project: I'm kinda still trying to figure it out, but what I'm planning on doing is making blankets and donating them. I would also like to do a fundraiser to raise the money to buy the material. If anybody has an idea of how to do that let me know. I was thinking maybe a bake sale or yard sale of some kind.

    Quote:""Trust the Process" has meaning- they see it as code for "Keep on doing, even when things look bleak."

    Question: How do we learn to trust the process, or as I like to think of it, trusting in God and that he knows the right way for you to go? How do we let go of our own plans let God take over?

  19. Quote: Candor is forthrightness--not so different fron honesty,

    Question: How can we use Candor to be more honest, truthful and sincere?

    My project goal is making a program that will help with education and since it's so big I made my personal goal to be that I would work on it every day.

  20. Question: why did they want to lower their expectation in the beginning?
    "We had done the impossible. We had done the thing that everyone told us we couldn't do. And we had done it spectacularly well. It was the fuel that has continued to burn in all of us."
    This reminds me of how we're always told to do hard things and that we can do anything we put our mind to!

  21. "We had less than a year before Toy Story 2 was due in theaters. Getting it there in time would drive our workforce to the breaking point, and there would surely be a price to pay for that. But I also believed that the alternative--acceptance of mediocrity--would have consequences that were far more destructive." My question is, what are some other things that require a high price upfront, but will prevent worse consequences down the road? And how does that apply to this situation more specifically? I can apply this when I make music, because I often rush it, and i compromise quality because I set deadlines for myself. I can focus more on the quality and less on the due date.

  22. Quote: Getting the right people and the right chemistry is more important than getting the right idea.

    Question: How can we find the right people to trust to help us.

  23. Question: How can we know when we are using TOO much candor?
    Is that possible?

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  25. Quote: The responsibility for finding and fixing problems should be assigned to every employee.

    Question: Why do you think this would inspire more creativity?
