Saturday, May 7, 2016

Spring Week 7 - Battle Lines

1. Check to see how your goal partners would like to be helped with accountability and help them. Work on your personal and project goals.
2. Watch the following video to 1:07:44:

3. Write a discussion question, quote and thought or principle from the video in the comments below. Also, be ready to share which "battle lines" appeal most to you and why.

*FYI - the video mentions a study done at BYU - that study has since been discredited because of faulty research methods.


  1. Personal Goal: Write on a blog everyday!
    Project Goal: Finish casting and get all final conflict schedules.

  2. Personal Goal: Finish 2 Nephi in The Book Of Mormon.
    Project Goal: Figure out about the car wash.

  3. Quote: Inspire a love of learning.

    Question: Some of my friends say they always hate school how can I inspire them to love to learn.

    Principle: Learn to love school and try to inspire or be an example to others.

  4. Personal Goal: Pray sincerely every night about what Heavenly Father needs me to do. Write down promptings.
    Project Goal: Edit the script, create a tentative filming schedule. Re-cast certain roles if needed.

  5. Summarized quote: "education should be done in families....the father is incharcge of sharing the vision for the family."

    Question: my family seems to be so different. We all are good at different things and we learn in different ways. How can we learn and work together? What role do I have in helping that happen?

    Principle: families are essential to Gods plan.

  6. Personal Goal: 30 mins or less a day on social media/ medi for purposes other than education.

    Quote: This life is not about misery, this life is about true happiness.

    Question: They talked in the video about how we shouldn't learn things because we want to, and how we should learn for the Lord and others. But my question is, don't we des over what we should persue and learn about by looking at ourselves and our talents and our likes or dislikes or what We love to do?
    Principle: The love of God changes hearts.

  7. Personal goal: Be ready for bed by 10. Making sure everything that I need to do before bed is done.
    Project goal: Figure out a fund raiser.

  8. Personal goal: I've been doing this, but it's to chi every day for 10 minutes.
    Project goal: Get photographs for posts

    Quote: "Divine roles of family members should be upheld and supported."

    Question: They talk a lot about in this about families doing most everything together. Does there come a point where spending time with family feels overkill? Can you sometimes have too much family time?

    Principle: Motivation comes from doing God's will.

  9. Question: How do we learn to let go of what we want to study, and study what the Lord wants us to learn?

    Quote: Theres a lot of people in this world who are physically dying, but there are more who are spiritually dying. What are we going to do to help this?

    Thought: What is the Lord calling me to do? Where does he he want me to go? And what does he want me to become?

  10. Question: Is it bad to study the things you want to study?

    Quote: "As long as it is all about us, we will be in our own strength, which is a very puny arm."

    Thought: Turn to God for everything, give your life to him and everything will turn out right in the end

  11. Quote: "A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race."

    Question: If I live in a bubble (which I do ;p), how can I influence the world when I'm never in it?

    2nd Question: How do we receive personal revelation? How can I really know that Heavenly Father is talking to me, and it's not just my mind?

    Thought: The Lord will take care of it--it'll turn out well! :)

  12. Quote: For a man to lay down his all, his character, reputation, honer, his good name among man, his house, his lands, his brother, wife and children, and even his own life also-counting all things but filth and dross for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ-requires more than mere belief or supposition that he is doing the will of God; but actual knowledge; realizing that, when those sufferings are ended, he will enter into eternal rest, and be a barter of the glory of God. - Joseph smith-

    Question: While I am in my youth, how can I help others and my family. And is are families being an example, and how do I know?

    Principle: to be a better example to others in every way.

  13. Quote: Don't compete with the world in teaching methods. The world will always be more fun, more cool, etc.
    Question: How can you personally get inspired to learn something that's not fun or interesting, that you don't wanna lean, or that you hate?
    Principle: Focusing on what God wants us to learn/do rather than what we want to will bring more happiness in the long run.

  14. Qoute: A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race.

    Question: How can we learn to share our talents and knowledge with the love of God, so that we dont harbor them, and hold them from blessing our life and others lives? How can we learn to put of the selfishness?

    Thought: Wow................!

    Principle: When we look to bless others, we are filling ourselves with Gods love.

    Lets learn to FILL ourselves.....

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