Saturday, May 28, 2016

Spring Week 9 - Fail-proof Pattern

This is our last official class!  Let's make it a good one.  Please come prepared and ready to participate. I will do my best to make it worthwhile for you.

We talked about inspired ideas and acting on them because we love and trust God and want to do whatever He asks. And we discussed how we should never lose sight of that goal as ideas come and as some grow and some lead us to different ideas. We will gradually learn to better hear His voice and discern His will as we seek for it.

This week we will learn a fail-proof way to seek His will and do it.  It works.  I hope you will apply it, I can think of nothing that will bless your life more!

1. Be prepared to share something that you've learned this year that has blessed you're life.

2. a)Listen to this talk:
b) Pick a prompting you want to be better at following and apply the pattern in the video to see how it goes. Be prepared to share what you learned.

c) Help one another with your personal and project goals. Most of you probably forgot them during Shine camp so today is a good day to choose one and get going on it again. It may be wise to combine your personal goal with inspirements 2a and 2b.

3. Bring what you prepared last week about a battle line you are interested in learning more about and what you've learned (We will get to it this week! )

4. Write a quote and discussion question below.


  1. Question: How can we always have and act on a desire to learn and ask questions?
    Quote: A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
    -Bruce Lee
    (Anothe question: Do you think this is true?)

  2. Quote: Ours is a great solemn duty to reach out and help them.
    -Gordon B. Hinckley
    Question: How can we reach out to help others.

  3. Quote from the video: "We don't even call them 'commandments' in our home, we call them 'guidelines to happiness.'" I think we can all look at the commandments and the Lord in a better way.
    Question: How can we see the Lord in our lives standing next to us?

  4. Quote: Gordon B. Hinckley's quote in the vid.
    Question: Can we spread the gospel with the pattern in the video?
    Thought. Its way important to step back and let Heavenly Father in.

  5. Quote: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril or sword? Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

    Thought: The Lord loves us through all or our many imperfections and weaknesses. His love is never-ending always.

    Question: How do we truly love others with all of their imperfections and weaknesses while still not being accepting of sin or something they may be doing? Should we just avoid the subject...?

    1. Btw (sorry ;p), that scripture reference is Romans 8: 35 & 37-39

  6. Quote: "I bear witness that Jesus of Nazareth does love his little children, that He listens to your prayers and responds to them." ~ Thomas S. Manson
    I know we all know that he loves us, but even though we do, I still think we should ask him because the filling you get is something you can't replace, or even describe!

    Question: (1)How can we recognize that we are not letting him in, and then do so. (2) How can I share with other that he truly loves them?

  7. Question: Should all decisions be made through the Lord?

    Quote: Will send to Sis. Bates

  8. Quote: (I found this in my personal study this week and it went along with some of the things I learned from the video) "Developing a Christlike character is the work of a lifetime."

    Question: how can we love like Christ loves us?

  9. Quote: The gospel of Jesus Christ is diamonds and we can make them polished and beautiful and that the Lord will help us through this wonderful process and all along the way if we've got something to overcome he will help us with that but more than that he will help us see things differently and share it with others and feel more joy than we can now even imagine"

    Question: Why don't we love like the Lord?

  10. Quote: The mining of the gospel is an internal thing and it has to be done by every individual themselves for the blessing of the spirit.

    Question: Why?
