Monday, April 27, 2015

April Week 4 - Love AND The Land of Montezuma



We are combining the writing part of last week and the reading part of this week because May is really busy (I will be gone the weekend of the 15th and Shine Camp is the 22nd) so we won't have a lot of Fridays to meet! At least that should give you some time to finish Les Miserables right?

So for this week:
1. By Monday night: Choose one way to have more Christlike love in your life for those around you and begin to act on it.
2. Share your insights and connections about love from our reading and discussion in a creative way. Post how you shared on the discussion blog and comment on at least 5 others people's posts (that should be everyone ;-) ) Don't wait until the last minute to post something - your classmates won't enjoy having to stay up late Thursday night to read your last minute post!
3. Read The Land of Montezuma by W.H. Prescott (Vol 6, pages 227-243). It would be helpful to look up the following terms in your Cultural Literacy Book before you start: Montezuma (pg 211); Cortes, Hernando (pg 205); Conquistadores (pg 205); Aztecs (pg 203); and Incas (pg 208).
4. Write a discussion question from The Land of Montezuma below

For class, we will talk about your applications and writings about love - if anyone needs help from the class with their creation, we can do that as well. Then we will discuss the principles you learned from the The Land of Montezuma chapter.  Enjoy!

Friday, April 17, 2015

April Week 3: Cupid and Psyche by Apuleius

1. Watch:

2. Read:
  • Cupid and Psyche by Apuleius (Volume 3 pages 194-216) really, really soon so you have some time to think about it before class. Keep in mind that Cupid is symbolic of love and Psyche is symbolic of the human soul.
  • Four Kinds of Love (short article)

3. Explore: This site and learn about some themes and symbols in the story and the "hero's journey".

4. Write: As you read, write down what this story teaches about the nature of love (Cupid). Consider too - What destroys it? What builds it? We have been studying beauty - how is love related to beauty?

5. Question: Post a question below for us to consider.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

April Week 1 - Hey

What a great discussion we had about Galileo and the search for truth yesterday! I love listening to your thoughts and clarifying my own as you share. You are such an inspiring group.

As I watched morning session of conference today, I was inspired about something you guys mentioned yesterday. You talked about the difficulty in living and trying to befriend people with different interests, who have not yet realized that this life is an exciting journey to truth,  and who tend to be wrapped up on the things the world tells them are important.  I mentioned that you live in a really difficult time to be in the world and not of the world while trying to connect with people who are being "of the world." But that is what you must do! That is what you must be practicing. I get the most excited to write a blog post after talking to someone with a very different perspective then mine. Looking at things from their perspective, clarifies my views and fires the desire in me to share what I see!

So I want you guys to be thinking of ways to reach these people all around you. Usually they are not trying to be rebellious. Mostly, they just need to be awakened from a worldly stupor. They don't always realize there is a greater way to live and see (if they did, they would be living it). You need to invite them to "come and see" through your example, words, excitement and love.

So for your "creating" this week, I want you to share the truth you are learning in a way that will inspire others. Don't write (or present something) just to me or just to this Great Books Group, but write to your peers who do not see how cool it is to gaze at the stars, or study Galileo, or to be an instrument for good - whatever you have been studying and you think will bless them.

Then you can write a blog post and share it with them through google plus, or make a video or a song to post - whatever you think will reach them.

Does that sound exciting? I hope so!

So, here are the assignments for this week:

1. Watch the following and ponder what it has to do with nature, instruments, or seeking truth:

2. Finish This Chart we Started in Class:

Instruments to Help Us Rise Higher
How do we fine-tune them?
1. Scriptures
2. Prophets
3. Prayer
4. Nature/His creations
5. Temple
6. Others/Books
7. Holy Ghost
8. Reason/Thought
9. Rightful Use of Agency
10. Body
11. Media
1. Study, Ponder, Hebrew, Study background, increase understadning about everything
2. Study, ponder, work on testimony that they are prophets, living what they say
3. Meaningful, Thoughtful
4. Be in it, learn about it, science

3. Create and share something to inspire others about the truths you learned these last two weeks such as:
-Write a post, paper, poem, etc
-Make a video
-Sing a song
-Make a presentation or lesson
-Do anything you think will benefit others

4. Comment! Let us know when you have posted it - put it on the discussion blog (or at least a link for it so we can read it) and comment on each other's thoughts.