Tuesday, June 28, 2016

July 5th Guest Speaker Inspirements!

Our first guest speaker, Mo, will be speaking to us on July 5th at 6:30 pm at the Johnson home. We will briefly discuss the articles we read and then listen to his story.

Mo (his name is Muhammad but he now goes by Mo) was born and raised in Sierra, Lione as a Muslim. He came to America to participate in the Atlanta Olympics for his country. He was introduced to the LDS church while he stayed in America to go to college. He converted and was cutoff and disowned by his family.

I can't wait to listen to his experiences!

Here are the insprirements to come prepared with:

1. Read: https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/selected-articles/god-s-love-mankind

2. Read:  https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/selected-articles/understanding-islam

OR watch: https://youtu.be/M40mVocHcew

OR listen to: A Latter Day Look at Islam by Daniel C. Petterson (you can find it at Seagull Book)

OR read/listen/watch 2 or all three of the above. I learned cool, interesting, and relevant stuff from each one.

3. Think of a question you'd like to ask your peers or our guest speaker.

*Our next activity about the Middle East will be an art project by Bro. Pack and a discussion on the book, "My Name Used to Be Muhammad" - so start reading it if you'd like to come! (See the previous post about content). It will probably be on Wednesday July 13th from 11-1 or the following Wednesday.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Middle East Adventures

I hope some of you are as excited as I am to learn more about this culture. With all the recent events in our world, I have felt a pull to learn more about Muslims and how some of them are raised to think.  I have been impressed with their devotion and fascinated by their history and truth in their beliefs as well as the parallels in our LDS history. It is also interesting to see how some people can twist truth with pride in subtle ways to get what they want and how that can create awful things. It is helpful to see how this happens so we can be aware when it creeps up in our lives and what we can do to defend against it. There is lots to learn from their history and beliefs.

It's summer,  so this is going to be more informal.  We won't meet and discuss these weekly,  this will be a place where we share resources and our thoughts as we come to better understand the Middle East and it's people. We will plan a few things together and invite those who are interested... guest speakers, field trips, movie nights, maybe a Middle East dinner at the end.

Feel free to add books, articles, current events, videos, movies, field trip ideas, and guest speaker possibilities.

I keep being amazed at how God's work is growing in these very persecuted areas. I think they seek and need His miracles more than we do in our comfortable state, so they see them often.

Here are some videos with a few examples:

I have been listening to "A Latter-Day Look at Islam" by Daniel C. Peterson that Sis. Pack recommended.  I have learned A LOT from that 90 min CD (I bought it at Seagull Book). I've watched some of his YouTube videos and learned a lot.  I really want to read his books now.

Guest Speakers:
Bro. Pack has a friend who converted from Islam who is willing to come tell us of his experience  - that will be fascinating! Sis. Pack also knows of an LDS refugee family that left Pakistan when things got really dangerous who may be able to tell us of their experiences. She also knows an archeologist that speaks 17 languages and digs in the Middle East who knows much about the area. The author of Saving Babylon is another possibility for a speaker. And so are Sis Pack's parents who served a mission in the area.

We'll send out articles to read before the guest speakers come so you can have some background information and better questions to ask. You'll also be more prepared if you read the books below since the guest speakers will be from the areas these books are written about.

Books, Discussions and Art Projects:
There are some books our family plans to read this summer. When we are finished reading each book, Bro. Pack will do an art project with us when we discuss it. We'll discuss the first one in the beginning of July, the 2nd one in the middle of August and the last one around the end of September. I will post specific dates when I know them, but if you want to come to the discussion and art project, you can start reading them now.

1. July:  My Name Used to be Muhammed. (We are reading this out loud and I have had to edit some parts out as we read - Sis. Pack recommends that maybe the parents summarize the chapters from "What is Love?" to "Higher Education"). Cassia and I heard him speak at a morningside a while back. His story is not only inspiting, but really helped us understand some of the culture and difficulties of trying to pull away from it.

2. August:  I Am Malala. We have the student version. I have heard he good things about this book, but haven't yet read it.

3. September:  Saving Babylon: The Heart of an Army Interrogator in Iraq Sis. Pack will probably be able to get the author to come speak to us.

Some books for younger siblings (or older... I personally love reading these books too)
1. Samuel Zwemer: The Burden of Arabia - Christian Heroes
2. The Arabian Nights  (you can listen to this too on Tales2go)
3. Three Cups of Tea - Mortensen
4. Bronze Bow - Speare
5. The Breadwinner - Ellis

If you want even more resources,  Sis. Pack collected a list of more possible books - including picture books you can learn culture from as you read to little siblings! She is typing a lot of them out with links, but in the meantime - here is a picture I took of her notes:

It has been a fascinating summer so far. I look forward to learning more. I hope some of you want to join us! Let me know :-)

Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer, Presentations, and Next Year

Sorry it has taken me so long to update and get information out. We have been having a busy summer so far! I hope you are all enjoying some family time.
I loved hearing your thoughts on our last day of class about the things you'd learned during the school year and your testimonies about God's love and direction. If you ever want to go through the "Joy Cycle" again with anything you are struggling with, or teach it to your family, here is a link to the handout I gave you:

Most of you were not ready to present to families yet. What I will do is have the family presentation happen at a vision night for families at the beginning of the next school year - at the end of August. So save your presentations until then if you have one ready and feel free to work on more through the summer.

What to present:
Just pick a project that interests you this summer or that you'd been working on last semester- weather it's a book you've been wanting to read, a video you've wanted to make, an activity you've wanted to plan, etc... and find a way to share a principle or lesson you learned from the experience. Keep in mind the creativity principles you learned from spring semester.

Next year:
As you know, our family will be moving in the late fall or winter. We will still be driving here and doing this class, but it may be at the Packs or rotating houses. We will still plan to meet Fridays from 2:30-4:30, but it may be bi-weekly instead of weekly. If we do bi-weekly - on the off weeks, we will have an online discussion instead.

Also, we will clump our activities into one weekend to avoid so much driving. In other words, each semester we will do an optional camping/overnighter (people can also drive back and forth in the evening and morning if you'd rather not stay overnight) where we will do a hike, simulation, discussion, movie night and temple trip.

We are going to study principles about how to live as we study cultures throughout the world. We will also be looking for creative ways to serve and teach others as we do so.

This Summer:
The first culture we will be studying is that of the Middle East. I have already felt my awareness, compassion and testimony grow as I'm learning about this area of the world. Sister Pack has shared some great resources and has some speakers she can schedule that we can learn from as we seek to understand this part of the world and the people in it. We are looking for places to visit as well.

If any of you or your families would like to start studying the Middle East with us this summer, I will write another blog post with resources, videos, books and current events that Sis. Pack has found. You can add other resources that you find in the comments section. Dads are especially encouraged to send links current events in the area! It would be also be awesome for you to also post your thoughts as you read and learn about these people and the culture.

When we have the guest speakers, I will post some assignments that will help you prepare to hear them speak.

Let me know if you or your families are interested in our summer Middle East adventures and if you're planning on continuing with this class next year. Thanks!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Spring Week 9 - Fail-proof Pattern

This is our last official class!  Let's make it a good one.  Please come prepared and ready to participate. I will do my best to make it worthwhile for you.

We talked about inspired ideas and acting on them because we love and trust God and want to do whatever He asks. And we discussed how we should never lose sight of that goal as ideas come and as some grow and some lead us to different ideas. We will gradually learn to better hear His voice and discern His will as we seek for it.

This week we will learn a fail-proof way to seek His will and do it.  It works.  I hope you will apply it, I can think of nothing that will bless your life more!

1. Be prepared to share something that you've learned this year that has blessed you're life.

2. a)Listen to this talk:
b) Pick a prompting you want to be better at following and apply the pattern in the video to see how it goes. Be prepared to share what you learned.

c) Help one another with your personal and project goals. Most of you probably forgot them during Shine camp so today is a good day to choose one and get going on it again. It may be wise to combine your personal goal with inspirements 2a and 2b.

3. Bring what you prepared last week about a battle line you are interested in learning more about and what you've learned (We will get to it this week! )

4. Write a quote and discussion question below.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Spring Week 8

Thanks everyone for a great discussion last week. I loved hearing your thoughts on agency and motivation. I hope you have been practicing some of what we talked about in finding the underlying fears that demotivate and countering them with love and sacrifice.

Please do the following to prepare for class this week:
1. Read Creativity Inc. Chapters 7-9
2. Last week, you picked a battle line that interested you, this week learn something that is going on in the world right now in that battle line and be prepared to share.
3. Help one another with personal and project goals.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Spring Week 7 - Battle Lines

1. Check to see how your goal partners would like to be helped with accountability and help them. Work on your personal and project goals.
2. Watch the following video to 1:07:44:

3. Write a discussion question, quote and thought or principle from the video in the comments below. Also, be ready to share which "battle lines" appeal most to you and why.

*FYI - the video mentions a study done at BYU - that study has since been discredited because of faulty research methods.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Week 6 - Identity, Candor and Fear

Thank-you all for your inspiring participation during the discussion and for your hard work in recording the song. It is sounding great.

I did not want to take time from the discussion to ask each of you about your project goal and your personal goal because I thought it might be more efficient if you each wrote it out in the comments below instead. Please write it by Sunday. If I don't get everyone to write their goals in the comments, I will go back to asking you individually each class, but I do hope you'll write it yourself to save us some time.

I wasn't planning on having class this week because many of you will be busy with Maria, but since we were not able to film the music video last week, I wondered if we could find a time where we could get together to film? Let me know if you are available either Tuesday from 2-4, Thr. from 3-5, or Friday or Saturday morning.

For your ispirements, there is a bit more reading than usual since you have 2 weeks, so start it soon.

Inspirements that are due 2 weeks from yesterday (on May 6th):
Write: Project and personal goal below. Help one another with reminders and checking up.
Read: Creativity Inc. Chapters 4-6
Write: A discussion question, quote, and a way to apply something from the chapters to your family or to your collaborative projects.

Over the last two weeks, several people have neglected writing the question and quote. Please do not neglect it this week.