Monday, January 26, 2015

January Week 4 - Thoreau

  • Read Volume 6 pages 146-165 "Thoreau" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Write a discussion question below and favorite quote below
  • Do something to deepen your understanding (see ideas below).
Study ideas:
Find a favorite poem by Thoreau or Emerson
Check out photographs of Walden Pond
Look up obscure words in the 1828 dictionary
Visit and explore The Walden Woods Project page
Write your thoughts about this reading - post them on a blog or send the to me for feedback.
Watch one or more of the following videos (or find one of your own about Thoreau or Emerson that interests you:

Friday, January 16, 2015

January Week 3 - The Death of Ivan Ilych

1. Read, understand and take notes on:  Volume 3 pages _____ The Death of Ivan Ilych (you can also find it on livribox)
2. Write a discussion question below
3. Be curious! Learn more about something inspired by this reading, or do something that the reading inspires you to do.

Some ideas:
-Write your thoughts on a blog or paper about what this reading meant to you
-Write your own eulogy - think about what you would like people to say about you after you are gone
-Learn more about Leo Tolstoy and what inspired him to write this work
-Read the Spark notes about this story to gain further insight
-Watch this short video lecture or another video about Tolstoy or his work
-Write a poem or create an art piece about what it means to live

Sunday, January 11, 2015

January Week 2 - Perspective

1.Read and take notes on the following:
A.. Seeing with New Eyes by Paul A. Cox
B. Great Books Volume 8 pages 120-146: On Time by Loren Eiseley and The Sunless Sea by Rachel Carson*

*If you do not own the Gateway to the Greatbooks Volume 8, On Time is the chapter called "The Slit" in the book The Immense Journey.  You can read the chapter here.
I cannot find the Sunless Sea online. It is chapter 4 of the Book by Rachel Carson called The Sea Around Us.  It should be on the public domain, so if anyone finds it, let us know!

2.Write a discussion question on the comments below

Some ideas to get you thinking:
-These readings talk about perspective, consider what perspective has to do with the deep sea or with time and then what it has to do with how you see things.
-You might consider studying the word "Perspective"
-I enjoyed looking up the pictures of the animals that Carson mentions in her book.
-As this reading is old, it would be neat of some of you brought some links or pictures (or your own drawings!) of the latest deep sea discoveries.
-If anyone wants to bring and explain something about the study of "time" - we would love to hear it!