Saturday, February 28, 2015

March Week 1 - Francis Bacon on Beauty & Discourse;

  1. Word Study: Beauty
  2. Read: The Contemplation of Beauty: An Avenue to... by Hans-Wilhelm Kelling
  3. Read: Sir Francis Bacon Of Beauty and Of Discourse: Volume 5 pages 90-96
  4. Read: Interest and Beauty in Works of Art by Author Schopenhauer: Volume 5 pages 120 - 123, 143-150
  5. Write: Discussion question in comments below
  6. Bring: Favorite Quote AND something "beautiful" (Be ready to explain why you think it is beautiful and not merely interesting).
Do something to deepen your understanding such as:
  • Create something "beautiful" (it doesn't have to be professional - just something that qualifies as beautiful according to Schopenhauer).
  • Write or create something about the difference of how the world sees beauty and what beauty really is
  • Write about these readings on a blog or journal and whether you agree with them or not
  • Write a book review about these readings
  • Learn more about something that sparked your interest as you read


  1. If beauty comes from one's interpretation of a truth being conveyed, is beauty relative to the viewer? (i.e. in the eye of the beholder)

    Or is it reverse and that something is true if it is beautiful? (Which poses the question, is it possible for something false to be "truly beautiful"?)

  2. Is a life dedicated to the quest for beauty one worth being lived? Could a life like that be fulfilling?

  3. Can man create anything truly "beautiful"?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Is beauty relative? Does it change depending on the viewer? Or is there one definition that is unchanging?
