Friday, February 13, 2015

February Week 3&4 - Principles of Psychology: Habit by William James

  1. -Do a Word Study on the word "Habit"
  2. -Write down a habit you are working on establishing this week (post it below if it is not too personal).
  3. -Read and highlight Chapter 4: Habit from the Principles of Psychology by William James
  4. -Read and highlight Flaxen Threads by Carlos E. Asay
  5. -Write a question below
  6. -Bring a favorite quote to class

Make sure you look up terms or words you don't know and explore sparks of curiosity to deepen your understanding.

 Here are the terms I looked up, I thought they might be helpful:
de novo: anew
premier pas qui coute: first step that counts
terminus a quo: point of origin
terminus ad quem: destination/goal
'la function fait l'organe: the function creates the organ

corroborate: support
oscillation: moving from one position to another and then back

Here are some inspiring clips to motivate you to go work on learning a new habit!


  1. " Never suffer an exception to occur till the new habit is securely rooted in your life"
    How can we do that if we are not perfect and always trip up?

  2. If thoughts patterns are so powerful, how do we stop, change, or if possible, reverse them?

    Here's a quote: "He who has no solid ground to press against will never get beyond the stage of empty gesture making."

    I was trying to wrap my head around what this meant, and I was wondering if you guys could help me define it.

  3. The article says that sinning and repentance are similar to our habits. My question is whether they are actually the same thing, and not just similar things?

    I hope that made sense! :D

  4. Classical conditioning, like we talked about last week, is a form of forcing habits onto other beings. Is this morally right? If not, could it be?

  5. In 'The Principles of Psychology', they say that small habits are "nothing but a reflex". Is it possible to easily overcome reflexes? How much work do we normally have to put into overcoming a bad habit?

    Isaiah's question is: "Are habits good?"

  6. No it's not.
    My question is: Is there a point you can get to where habits are permanent? Like if you're 90?
