Saturday, February 28, 2015

March Week 1 - Francis Bacon on Beauty & Discourse;

  1. Word Study: Beauty
  2. Read: The Contemplation of Beauty: An Avenue to... by Hans-Wilhelm Kelling
  3. Read: Sir Francis Bacon Of Beauty and Of Discourse: Volume 5 pages 90-96
  4. Read: Interest and Beauty in Works of Art by Author Schopenhauer: Volume 5 pages 120 - 123, 143-150
  5. Write: Discussion question in comments below
  6. Bring: Favorite Quote AND something "beautiful" (Be ready to explain why you think it is beautiful and not merely interesting).
Do something to deepen your understanding such as:
  • Create something "beautiful" (it doesn't have to be professional - just something that qualifies as beautiful according to Schopenhauer).
  • Write or create something about the difference of how the world sees beauty and what beauty really is
  • Write about these readings on a blog or journal and whether you agree with them or not
  • Write a book review about these readings
  • Learn more about something that sparked your interest as you read

Friday, February 13, 2015

February Week 3&4 - Principles of Psychology: Habit by William James

  1. -Do a Word Study on the word "Habit"
  2. -Write down a habit you are working on establishing this week (post it below if it is not too personal).
  3. -Read and highlight Chapter 4: Habit from the Principles of Psychology by William James
  4. -Read and highlight Flaxen Threads by Carlos E. Asay
  5. -Write a question below
  6. -Bring a favorite quote to class

Make sure you look up terms or words you don't know and explore sparks of curiosity to deepen your understanding.

 Here are the terms I looked up, I thought they might be helpful:
de novo: anew
premier pas qui coute: first step that counts
terminus a quo: point of origin
terminus ad quem: destination/goal
'la function fait l'organe: the function creates the organ

corroborate: support
oscillation: moving from one position to another and then back

Here are some inspiring clips to motivate you to go work on learning a new habit!

Monday, February 9, 2015

February Week 2 - Huxley On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals

Since class was postponed last week, this week we will discuss Pavlov and Huxley and relate them to a BYU speech called Thinking Habits and Dispositions. 
So for this week...
1. Read volume 8 pages 155-159; and 197-204 On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals (feel free to read the whole article if you find it interesting!)
2. Read volume 8 pages 291-309 Scientific Study of the Psychical Processes ...
OR read pages 291-293 and parts of 294-309 (whatever catches your eye) AND watch the movies on the blog.
4. Post a question and bring a quote
5. Do something of your choosing to help you deepen your understanding 

Monday, February 2, 2015

February Week 1 - Scientific Study of the Physical Processes

1. Read Volume 8, pages 291-309 Scientific Study of the Physical Processes by Ivan Pavlov
2. Write a question on the comments below and bring your favorite quote to class
3. Deepen your understanding in some ways such as:
  • Look up words, names, concepts that are unfamiliar to you
  • Write your thoughts about classical conditioning
  • Do your own classical conditioning experiment
  • Watch a video and learn more about it (like one of the following):