Friday, January 16, 2015

January Week 3 - The Death of Ivan Ilych

1. Read, understand and take notes on:  Volume 3 pages _____ The Death of Ivan Ilych (you can also find it on livribox)
2. Write a discussion question below
3. Be curious! Learn more about something inspired by this reading, or do something that the reading inspires you to do.

Some ideas:
-Write your thoughts on a blog or paper about what this reading meant to you
-Write your own eulogy - think about what you would like people to say about you after you are gone
-Learn more about Leo Tolstoy and what inspired him to write this work
-Read the Spark notes about this story to gain further insight
-Watch this short video lecture or another video about Tolstoy or his work
-Write a poem or create an art piece about what it means to live


  1. Can self-praise lead to self-pity?
    Did Ivan Ilyitch sin in ignorance?
    What is a transgression?
    How can we make every moment count?

  2. How does one live a life worthy of death? Is it possible for people to really live a happy life if they focus on death? Why is death so poignant for those who didn't live worthy of it?

  3. Do you think Ivan Ilyitch was trying to be a good man? Or do you think he really didn't care?

  4. Why cant we be happy with what we have? Why cant we ever be at peace?
    How could and did he turn from good to bad so easily and without notice? How do we make sure we are not slipping into badness?
