1.Read and take notes on the following:
Seeing with New Eyes by Paul A. Cox
B. Great Books Volume 8 pages 120-146: On Time by Loren Eiseley and The Sunless Sea by Rachel Carson*
*If you do not own the Gateway to the Greatbooks Volume 8,
On Time is the chapter called "The Slit" in the book
The Immense Journey. You can read the chapter
I cannot find the Sunless Sea online. It is chapter 4 of the Book by Rachel Carson called The Sea Around Us. It should be on the public domain, so if anyone finds it, let us know!
2.Write a discussion question on the comments below
Some ideas to get you thinking:
-These readings talk about perspective, consider what perspective has to do with the deep sea or with time and then what it has to do with how you see things.
-You might consider studying the word "Perspective"
-I enjoyed looking up the pictures of the animals that Carson mentions in her book.
-As this reading is old, it would be neat of some of you brought some links or pictures (or your own drawings!) of the latest deep sea discoveries.
-If anyone wants to bring and explain something about the study of "time" - we would love to hear it!