Friday, September 4, 2015

Fall - Week 2 - Plato and Extended Definition Essay

Thanks for a great discussion today. You had some profound things to say about where happiness is to be found. The world needs your insight! There are so many unhappy people. I hope you will continue to teach and exemplify the principles of happiness that you know and will continue to learn. 

Remember to get excited every time you embarrass yourself or fail or you discover a new weakness - humility can put you on the path to God, and repentantly moving toward God is happiness! Embarrassment is awesome!

*Reminder: If you are willing, please post your word study on the discussion blog (link on the right). You all had wonderful insights. 

2. Study one of the Talks under: Sample Extended Definition Essays (see link below) and follow their example as you write your own. Bonus: All of these talks have insights into happiness – underline or take note the happiness principles that you find.
3.Read this short excerpt from Plato’s Euthydemus – It may help to diagram his argument in some way (put it in pictures or draw arrows from thought to thought – whatever helps you follow what he is saying) - do you agree with his explanation on how to be happy?

4. Write an Extended Definition Essay on something to do with finding happiness. For example, “What is happiness?” or “What is misery?”

5. Keep tracking your goals and noticing what helps you accomplish them and what tactics Satan uses to keep you from accomplishing them. Each class, you will have a chance to share any war strategies that you find 

6. If you forgot to write a discussion question last week, please write it on the comments this week. I use your questions to structure what we talk about through the semester so it is important that you write them :) Also, if you forgot your 3x5 card with a quote - bring that this week. If you did bring it last week, I kept it, so don't look for it and think you lost it :)

*If you get finished, you can start reading The Hiding Place (or another book of your choosing that shows someone choosing happiness even in difficult circumstances). Take note of what it is that helps them make that choice. This will be due in a few weeks.

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