Tuesday, May 19, 2015

End of the Semester Bash - "Till We Have Faces"

1. Read "Till We Have Faces"
2. Consider why and how we fall into self-deception and why and how we can stay true to ourselves - write your thoughts in your journal and bring them to class
3. Write down any symbolism you find (about the objects, dreams, gods) - remember, with symbolism, there isn't a "right" answer - so don't be afraid to make up what the symbolism means to you. Bring your findings to class.
4. Write a discussion question about the book in the comments below


  1. How can we use the "Divine Nature" within us and use it to always have virtuous thoughts and remember Christ? How do we get rid of our natural man and take control of our mind?

  2. The original title of the book was actually called Bareface. Which title suits the book better? What different meaning does Bareface have from Till we have faces? Does Till we have faces have more meaning, or Bareface? Which would you have chosen?

  3. The Fox and the Priest of Ungit had very different ideas of what truth was. The fox relied heavily on "Greek wisdom" or philosophy, while the priest of Ungit relied wholly on sacrifice and "faith". Who was more accurately perceiving truth, and how can we know if we are perceiving truth accurately?

  4. Was the "love" Orual had for Psyche really love? When she went to tell Psyche to disobey her husband and look upon his face, was that really selfless love, or was it selfish love? One of her points was that it was an abomination to their family. Is wanting someone to be happy true love? Or is it sometimes that we actually have to disappoint someone because we think we know better what will make them happy.

    Did that make any sense? ;p

  5. Why did Orual feel like she had to meddle with Psyshe's life? Why did she feel like she was the one who had to "relieve" her when she was already happy?
